Sunday 13 March 2011

What my life consists of right now...

Right now my life seems to be fairly mirthful, I'm becoming more and more fascinated by the world around me. Just everything is starting to become much more enchanting for me, my world is slowly defying the norm. I find myself smiling to myself in the mornings walking to school, and I suppose I could blame it on the fact that Spring yes, has certainly sprung! Just like Terri Guillemets said "my favourite weather is bird chirping weather!" I could also blame my happiness epidemic on the fact that I have many beautiful friends who inspire me each and every day to be a better person, they never get bored of fixing me when Im broke. As does my handsome and extremely patient boyfriend below.

In order from top to bottom left to right: (My boyfriend Bryn and I infront of a beautiful sunset) (Me and one of my very best friends Sophie on Children in Need day) (Me and two of my best friends Sophie, me and Becky once again raising some money for a good cause) (Me and my close friend Chloe, by the river, indulging in our art project, as you can see we got a lot done..)

Now you've met my friends, it's time you meet the new me.. the real me. the me who's not afraid to wear what she wants, eat what she wants, listen to what she wants, watch what she wants, read what she wants. The real me who likes to stay at home and read beautiful novels like "Atonement" and childrens literature like "Bambi" with a cup of tea in a floral cup, with her covers wrapped around her all warm and snuggeled. Who likes to dress up her mannequin in fabric and sew and rip and cut until she's come up with another masterpiece she's proud to wear herself. She happily sits and listens to Simon and Garfunkle for hours while flipping through more vinyl records. She loves baking, and making cards and getting creative, she genuinly enjoys typing out her essays on her typewriter. She adores vintage and spends weekends rummaging through thrift stores to pick up bargains she couldnt get at Topshop, Sacai, Killah or River Island. She's the kind of girl who enjoys going for walks in the sun, making daisy chains, laying on her back in a field staring at clouds attempting to make something out of them, just as she had to do with the confusion of her own life. Who climbs trees and picks flowers and takes her sketchbook with her everywhere. Who has hopes to succeed in this world and dreams to travel. Dreams to drive in a blue VW campervan on road trips and festivals, to live the hippie, vintage, indie and undoubtledly kooky lifestyle she knows she's destined to live. To not have to worry about what haoppens next, just to roam free and take each second as it comes, be the free spirit she once was. She wants to learn so many things y'know, like horseriding, scuba diving, quilt making, and she'll do it. She knows she'll do it. She doesn't want to have to worry about what job she'll have in the future, she has many possibilities, or affording a house, or a wedding. She just wants to enjoy all life has to offer right now. She loves life now, she really does. She loves art, fashion, music, reading, French, Spanish, she loves making her own clithes very much, and she adores brogues and vintage clothing. She's obsessed with vintage. She's happy, and kind, and cheerful and likes a laugh. All these things seem to be positive, yet she hesitates to make friends. She's working on that, she chooses to be quiet, she's been formed into a shy soul, but once you get to know her she lets loose a little I guess. She's not afraid to talk to people, even if she doesn't know them. She's just different. She's inspired by Zooey Deschanel very much so, and has many aspirations. Now that you know her, she's glad the cyber world knows her atleast. It's time to say hello world. "Hello World."

Photos will be uploaded once my camera is fully repaired. On the up side I seem to be getting better at working my camera and am enjoying photography very much!

Thursday 10 March 2011


Once again I am terribly sorry about my casual neglection of my blog. I am deeply apologetic and once again swear that I will start to blog again on a weekly basis! I have so many photos to share with you! I'm starting a new weekly update on "What Sarah Wore" which will show you my favourite outfit of that week and any new fashionable finds I've treated myself too! Right now I'm loving this vintage floral look with blouses buttoned all the way to the top and tucked into ripped shorts (ripped shorts which I've failed to mention I have made myself!) I will update some more tomorow but I'm off to my production of Grease! So sit tight and beleive me, I'll be back!

Thursday 26 August 2010

redecorating my room :)

oh to be an interior decorator...

how inspiring!

what a beautiful chinease vibe!

Of course I'll need a groovy lampshade!

I really love these one of a kind retro clocks, their beautiful! A great way to keep to keep track of time in a stylish way, and make one hell of a statment :D

I have also kind of developed a slight obsession with fairy lights, on my walls, around my bed, on my desk, everwhere I just think they make your room look so.. magical :)

This is what I want to do with photos of my friends and family on my wall, good idea hey? very creative ;)

the colour im painting my room next thursday, its called wellbeing and its beautiful! Its such a calming colour and isnt too fussy, it goes wit the blues and yellows and greens of my room :) my room is very colourful, reciting a few colours isnt fair, i have a very wide range of colours in m room, but am now adding one more! Its the green colour on the left well, I love it!

Friday 16 July 2010

Howdy bloggers,

once again a sincere apology is needed, as I have been a terrible blogger these past few months, but no worried i havnt abandoned the system, just been very busy. Well, basically, Im turning over a new leaf, a new me..

The New, Real Me:

I dont CARE what people think of me, I dont LIKE being told what to do, I wouldnt REBEL if you trusted me, I WILL be nice to you if you are nice to me. I will NOT be walked all over like a welcome mat cause no, you are most deffinately NOT welcome!

Im going to study hard, and actually listen and try at school, or stleast in the subjects I like eg. art, rs, french, science. Im going to get involved in sport and my friends. Im going to make time for family and friends. Im going to wear what I want, I dont care if you think I copy people cause fact is, its not anything like what you wear, your just jealous! Im going to listen to the music I want to listen to, read the books I want to read, watch the films I want to watch and hang out with who I want to and when I want to. Im going to learn to cook, Im going to commit to things, Im going to travel!! Im going to get out there and ENJOY myself, Im going to be happy, Im going to laugh again, and Im going to be able to trust you again. Im not going to stop loving you, Im going to hold on to you forever cause we promised each other forever. You promised come what may, and Im promising to keep your promise. Im going to be honest, no luying, Im going to be trusting and loyal. I want to be that girl people actually like, and who has a contagious smile. Im going to smile, even if Im duying inside, I deserve to be happy, and happy I will be. Just gove me.. us time. We will be happy. I'll help you be happy as you helped me. I will be happy.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Accidently In Love

Im in deep trouble.. I cant love someone this much without getting hurt sooner or later can I? Because right now I feel as if I might just burst from happiness :) I mean, this guy is perfect for me, Im so madly and deeply in love with him! Im sure hes the one, but if we cant be together then how can be the the one? I mean we are together, just not officially, its complicated, but I swear I am in love for the first time in my life, and now I have the most amazing person in the world, hes perfect, hes actually so amazingly perfect I cant put it into words how I feel right now..

Friday 9 April 2010


I am officially, insanely, unbelievably, deeply in love :) I've never felt this way before :) I cant beleive how lucky I am to have this person in my life, I dont understand why I deserve so much happiness! I get a kick each day just from seeing him, seeing him smile at me, and gaze into his eyes and know that he sees right through everything I do to make people stay away, my masks, insecurities and throws away my boundries and makes me whole again. Of course theres painfull times too, when we cant see each other, arent aloud, we're forbidden to be with each other in anything more than friends. But it hurts too much, we first became friends about a year and a half ago and since then my life had dramatically changed, I see things froma different perspective, his perspective, the way he chooses to live life so freely. I loved him since I first met him, first set eyes on him. I never thought he could love someone like me back, I was obviously wrong, he admitted to loveing since he met me.. I was speechless, him, love me?? When all this time Id thought he could never love me and i couldnt tell him or our friendship would be destroyed, the boy id thought about everyday for nearly 2 years is in love with me, too good to be true. Im writing all this not to bore you with my silly lovey dovey heartfelt thoguths, but to remind myself exactly how I feel at this exact moment in time, happy, light as a feather, carefree and to remember that no matter what happens or goes wrong, hes in love with me, im in love with him, we are in love, we'll get through anything, nothing can keep us apart!