Friday 9 April 2010

I am officially, insanely, unbelievably, deeply in love :) I've never felt this way before :) I cant beleive how lucky I am to have this person in my life, I dont understand why I deserve so much happiness! I get a kick each day just from seeing him, seeing him smile at me, and gaze into his eyes and know that he sees right through everything I do to make people stay away, my masks, insecurities and throws away my boundries and makes me whole again. Of course theres painfull times too, when we cant see each other, arent aloud, we're forbidden to be with each other in anything more than friends. But it hurts too much, we first became friends about a year and a half ago and since then my life had dramatically changed, I see things froma different perspective, his perspective, the way he chooses to live life so freely. I loved him since I first met him, first set eyes on him. I never thought he could love someone like me back, I was obviously wrong, he admitted to loveing since he met me.. I was speechless, him, love me?? When all this time Id thought he could never love me and i couldnt tell him or our friendship would be destroyed, the boy id thought about everyday for nearly 2 years is in love with me, too good to be true. Im writing all this not to bore you with my silly lovey dovey heartfelt thoguths, but to remind myself exactly how I feel at this exact moment in time, happy, light as a feather, carefree and to remember that no matter what happens or goes wrong, hes in love with me, im in love with him, we are in love, we'll get through anything, nothing can keep us apart!

1 comment:

  1. i miss this feeling! I'm so happy that someone in the world is experiencing it at the moment. There is nothing more beautiful than love :)
    I hope everything works out for you both x
